Presentation of UNIPOP:

Popular University of San Camillo


Birth of the Order of St. Camillus and the Hospitaller Knights

The origins of the order date back to the company of the servants of the sick established in 1582 to assist the sick in the Hospital of San Giacomo degli Incurabili in Rome. On August 15, 1582, observing the nurses, Camillo de Lellis had the first intuition of establishing a company of "godly and good" men who worked in the service of patients not for an economical gain, but "voluntarily and for God's sake... with that charity and kindness that mothers usually do towards their infirm children".


After a few years, following the considerable growth and an ever-increasing number of assistance services in both civil and military hospitals, the brotherhood created by Camillo de Lellis was elevated to an ecclesiastical order by Pope Gregorio XIV.

As a consequence, the ministers of the sick, as they are called, added a fourth solemn vow to the three common to all orders (poverty, obedience and chastity), that of assistance to the sick, even if plagued, even with danger of life, dedicating themselves to their spiritual and temporal assistance.

In the following centuries, the Order of St. Camillus, now known as "Camillians", spread over many continents by creating brotherhoods which, starting from the initial mission of Christian charity, developed support activities for people in need, also thanks to the change in society.

In 1917, the Knights Hospitalieri of San Camillo were founded in order fulfill the mission of the Order, which thanks to the mutual inter-relationship between its adherents (Brothers and Sisters) dedicated themselves to moral and material assistance (charity) to the needy, the destitute and above all, the sick.


Since their foundation, the Knights have offered effective collaboration, with religious and voluntary personnel in an organized form, to large public and private organizations, receiving in exchange great experience of action and prevention.

The goal is to exploit and continue the process of growth and innovation by collecting the needs expressed by the real world, which are sometimes overlooked by the traditional approach of religious and social volunteering.

The strength of the process is the expansion of the availability of university courses and masters from the Popular University of San Camillo.

Popular University of San Camillo

Based on the numerous experiences of excellence in the provision of specialized training in the religious and civil health sector, the Popular University of San Camillo wants to provide the skills and university organization experienced in Religious Universities or related to the Catholic Church.


Our search for partnerships with universities, both Italian and foreign, to create a university center of excellence is constant. The feedback received in recent months from non-EU universities (who have offered us a substantial collaboration, initially linked to so-called "unconventional" medicine but also to other topics of strong interest in the cultural field), make us understand that we are on the right path.


The following subjects are part of the masters and specialization courses:

Telemedicine services for remote diagnosis, monitoring and intervention

It makes state-of-the-art technology, hardware and software available to students allowing to specialize in support services for the chronically ill, even non-ambulatory, who require daily checks. Collaboration with parishes is essential for reach a very large number of users, collaborating in a better use of public health infrastructure.


University and post-university training for specialist staff

Linked to point (1), it allows the training or specialization of nursing staff, critical factor for the proper functioning of telemedicine.


Lifestyle medicine

The master is aimed at those students who are already in possession of knowledge in the field of medicine, psychology or sociology who intend to propose a medicine included in the process social and an interaction between the preservation of physical health and the society which they are part of.


History of Music, Gregorian Chant, Composition, Choir Conducting, Organ, Musicology, Piano, didactic singing

As expected from similar conservatory courses.


Visual arts and tourism

The master is aimed at students who intend to deepen their knowledge of Italian art which main source of European art in the last two thousand years. Especially for aspiring guides tourism, for a direct knowledge of the main monuments and museums of Italy with an informed knowledge on the historical period and on the context in which these works were carried out.


Restoration and Conservation of Cultural Heritage

The course is aimed at students who wish to know the techniques of restoration of wooden artifacts, stone, glass and above all ancient paintings, with particular attention to their conservation.


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Details of Master and Specialization courses:

Master in Ecosystems, Rural Landscape Analysis, Energy, Botany

The Master promises to provide young graduates or undergraduates who intend to work in local communities with a background of knowledge to propose and monitor redevelopment programs of regional ecosystems in order to allow for a sustainable reorganization of the territory with the enhancement of typical botanical species and energy balance in the absence of fossil fuels in a balanced territory, organized with particular characteristics of the company under study.


Master in International Social, Economic and Political Relations

The master is aimed at undergraduates and graduates who intend to provide large and medium-sized export-oriented companies with an understanding of the conditions in which we operate in world markets in order to achieve a better positioning on the markets themselves.


Master in Visual Arts and Tourism

The master is aimed at students who intend to deepen their knowledge of Italian art as the main source of European art in the last two thousand years. In particular for aspiring tourist guides for a direct knowledge of the main monuments and museums of Italy, with a knowledge informed about the historical period and the context in which these works were carried out.


Master in techniques of restoration and conservation of cultural heritage

The course is aimed at students who wish to know the techniques of restoration of wooden, stone, glass and above all ancient paintings, of their storage.

 A course in 20th century design will also be proposed to those who intend to dedicate themselves to the creation of objects of common use but with their own artistic identity.


Master in Lifestyle Medicine

The Master is aimed at those students who are already in possession of knowledge in the field of medicine, psychology or sociology who intend propose a medicine inserted in the social process and an interaction between the preservation of physical health and the society which they are part of.


Master in Systems Engineering

The Master is aimed at Engineering students who wish to acquire the latest systems analysis techniques to offer companies a modern one knowledge of organizational systems models with the use of digital techniques.


Master in Culture of Nutrition

The aim is to provide comprehensive training on the multiple perspectives (historical, geographical, economic, social, cultural, technological, scientific, political) that make the topic "food" central in daily life, making it, well beyond the dimension strictly nutritional, a decisive object in the definition of individual and collective identities. The picture has a global projection, comparing the different food cultures in the world, but focuses on the European dimension and in particular on the Italian one. A theoretical preparation is completed from practical workshops, combining knowledge with know-how.


Course topics:

Food anthropology (cuisines of the world)

History of European food

History and culture of Italian cuisine

Nutrition psychology and sociology

Food, information and the media

Food, art and literature

Elements of nutrition and history of dietetics


Knowledge and technologies:

Practical workshops of Italian cuisine

(with particular attention to pasta and vegetables)

Practical comparison workshops between different kitchens

Fondazione dei Cavalieri Hospitalieri di San Camillo


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